- 04/09/2017
- Posted by: Millon Unika
- Category: All, Internet, Technology, Web Development

Top Big Data Tools for Developers & Data Analysts
In the present time where internet & cutting edge technology dominates the market, data is the most important component for any industry. Without proper data analysis & statistics its almost impossible to take business decision. Because there is a huge amount of data related to every business whether it be online or offline user & business data. So storing, managing, processing & analysing data is the most important and challenging job today because everyday there is a mammoth amount of data generating from various devices across the world. Here Big Data technology comes into picture to solve these challenges.
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What is Big Data:
There is a massive amount of data generating every second from different machines & devices from different sector around the globe. Any entity around us, internet connected devices, IoT devices, machines, gadgets, social media, mobiles, processors etc. generates these huge chunk of data exponentially every second & transmit it. This huge data set is called Big Data. This can be both huge & complex structured or unstructured data which our normal & traditional Database Management System can not handle & process. This data sets can only be managed & processed by Big Data Tools & Softwares. Here we will discuss about top most big data tools for professionals & data analysts.
Apache Hadoop:
Hadoop has become the most popular name in BiG Data industry. It’s a great open source product from Apache. Professional developers, data analysts & organizations mostly prefer this distributed data processing tool for their Big Data projects. This is very flexible as well as easy to use. It can handle & process mammoth data whether it’s structured or unstructured. Hadoop can also replicate data chunks into nodes for local processing machines. Many big corporations are using Hadoop for data processing & data analysis. The USP of it is it has a advance & superior software library. It has a great processing capability for massive data sets into clusters. Hadoop’s effective & advance programming modules makes it easier to process huge data sets with higher performance & accuracy. Its developer community is also very active. They provide updates & also ad advance features to the product in a regular basis.
Related Topic: Big Data & Hadoop Technology
Apache Cassandra:
This is another great open source big data product from apache. Like Hadoop, Cassandra also can process & manage extremely bid data sets. This is basically a distributed NoSQL Database Management System which can manage massive data on various commodity servers. This database management system has high scalability, high performance & moreover doesn’t hamper the performance of a cloud infrastructure. It’s also largely accepted by the developers & big companies because of its performance ease of use, scalability, massive data management, decentralization, durability, elasticity, professional support & moreover fault tolerance.
This Big Data tools is also very renowned among developers. It’s also an open source cross platform NoSQL database program. This tool stores, manages & analyses bid data sets. Also it’s used for making applications. It’s a document oriented storage program written in C++. MongoDB is a Database as a Service and available on AWS, Azure & Google Cloud. It features consists of high performance, scalability, robustness, consistency, expressive query languages, indexing, flexibility & easy cloud deployment. It has four major products such as, MongoDB Professional, MongoDB Stitch, MongoDB Atlas & Cloud Manager.
Lumify is an open source big data tool for data analytics & data visualization. It’s comparatively new but gaining popularity fast. It gives industries a faster way to take decisions based on their data. It’s a great tool for data analysts to quick linking of data sources & analyses relationships across various data sources. Its USP is that it can quickly sort huge data from different data sources, which gives the leverage to the data analyst to quickly analyze data & sources. Moreover it has a web based interface where user can explore & visualize data relationships with text searches, 2D & 3D graph, interactive views, entity mapping & real time shared workspace.
Plotly (plot.ly):
It’s a professional & effective online big data analytics & visualization tool. Plotly provides online data analytics, graphing and data statistics tools for individuals as well as organizations. Moreover it has scientific graphing & API library for Python, REST, MATLAB, R & Perl. With this online tool user can easily create interactive data charts, dashboard, make slides, import data to charts and share them. This smart, advance, interactive data visualization & data management interface provides an easier way for discovering data relationship & data analytics with lesser time, lesser effort & lesser skills.
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